One of my goals this week is to get my house clean and ready for Thanksgiving.
Psych - that is not true - if you know me you probably did a double take. There is a very strong chance that we will be eating Thanksgiving dinner in my mother in law’s garage this year. It’s a way to be outside with fresh air flowing and yet not get wet from the rain. She is an incredible cook and there is no reason to stop that part of the tradition. I AM a big fan of goal setting, that part is true.
However, I do take care of that pesky house cleaning task at least a couple of times a month :) (but let’s be honest - Kevn does too - he’s a rock star). If you haven’t checked out the Thieves Starter Kit stop what you’re doing right now and check it out! It has everything you need to keep your home clean and smelling great without all those harmful chemicals. 🧽 Go to the link in my bio and it will take you there.
Share if you have a favorite goals setting planner? Or comment with your favorite Thieves product. Truthfully I wish I could wave my magic wand and everything would be clean.

Whether it’s pumpkin pie, apple cider doughnuts, or warm cinnamon rolls--- fall is my favorite time for enjoying other people’s baking. And this weekend I’m sure hundred’s of you will be busy baking, I’m so glad there are people like you in the world - it’s just not my talent. 🥧🍎
I can pamper you in a different way - I’ll still grab my apron and be busy with DIYs
Did you know that you can pamper your parched skin with great smelling lotion without those added toxic fragrances?
That’s right, just add a couple of drops of Blue Tansy essential oil to unscented lotion for extra hydration and a beautiful floral scent. 🌸 What is your favorite way to use this rich, sapphire-colored oil?
I would love to hear what your favorite fall recipes are --- baking or DIY, comment below.
Bonus points if you know how to use ripe hachiya persimmons - my tree is bursting!

Did you have yesterday off?
Did you over do it?
Did you finish your to-do list?
Did you pamper yourself?
Did you stay in bed and binge-watch a show?
Did you go to the cemetery and honor your veteran?
Did you spend it like any other day because you didn't have the day off?
Whatever happened I hope it worked for your mind and spirit!
I think we all need to remember that although we continue to spend more time alone - or together but apart, we are still connected. We still care deeply for each other - even when we can’t all sit around the dinner table, late into a Friday night sharing 3 bottles of wine or huddled on the couch with popcorn and movies. We will have these times again.
If you are struggling, please reach out, if Zoom gives you anxiety, please reach out, if you have become a crazy workout fiend and have sore muscles, please reach out (and share your secret), if you find yourself continuing to clean like crazy but are FINALLY concerned about the toxins in your cleaners, please reach out, if you are getting the sniffles and want to increase your immunity game, please reach out, if you need some creative holiday gifts that supports a fellow mama, please reach out, if you just want someone to talk to --- reach out!
As Trent Reznor from NIN said while being inducted into the hall of fame - hope to see you in the flesh soon. Listening to him sing “What have I become? My sweetest friend?”

🍂 Raise your hand if this cooler weather has you reaching for a little respiratory support. 🌬
🍂 Raven is my go-to oil for respiratory support, whether inhaling directly from the bottle or adding it to a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil and rubbing it on my chest, it provides the perfect refreshing and cooling sensation all while helping me take big, deep, clear breaths.
🍂 I know this year we are all a little more on edge about any slight “symptom”, what better reason to boost your immunity, support healthy lungs, keep those nasal passages clear with preventative measures instead of waiting for signs of being sick.
🍂 Also, add 2 drops of Frankincense, Lavender and Thieves with 3 drops of Raven for a perfectly cozy diffuser blend!
🍂 Get out there and RIDE!