Checking In!🦋

Did you have yesterday off? 

Did you over do it?

Did you finish your to-do list?

Did you pamper yourself?

Did you stay in bed and binge-watch a show?

Did you go to the cemetery and honor your veteran?

Did you spend it like any other day because you didn't have the day off?

Whatever happened I hope it worked for your mind and spirit!

I think we all need to remember that although we continue to spend more time alone - or together but apart, we are still connected. We still care deeply for each other - even when we can’t all sit around the dinner table, late into a Friday night sharing 3 bottles of wine or huddled on the couch with popcorn and movies. We will have these times again. 

If you are struggling, please reach out, if Zoom gives you anxiety, please reach out, if you have become a crazy workout fiend and have sore muscles, please reach out (and share your secret), if you find yourself continuing to clean like crazy but are FINALLY concerned about the toxins in your cleaners, please reach out, if you are getting the sniffles and want to increase your immunity game, please reach out, if you need some creative holiday gifts that supports a fellow mama, please reach out, if you just want someone to talk to  --- reach out!

As Trent Reznor from NIN said while being inducted into the hall of fame - hope to see you in the flesh soon. Listening to him sing “What have I become? My sweetest friend?”


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