Teaching is hard.
Teaching preschool is hard.
Teaching special education is hard.
Teaching is not for the faint of heart.
I appreciate teachers. I respect teachers. I admire teachers. I am a teacher.
Today I subbed for one of my teachers who was at a training. I danced my dog and pony show, I relied on my instructional assistants. I used all kinds of strategies, I sang songs I didn’t know the tune to, I gave stars, gummies, and high fives for expected behaviors. I struggled. I loved on those kids. I have to admit, I am REALLY good at supporting my staff, I am NOT really good at pretending to be them. I used ALL my Stress-Away.
How amazing are these kids to come to school every day, willing to learn, willing to trust, willing to participate, willing to find new ways to communicate, willing to have fun. They are equally my heroes.
I’m beat! Good-night.


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