Be In The Trees
November has held a lot of tree cutting. None of them have been our Christmas Tree. This year is so different wanting to help Kevin with the yard work. When he was a professional landscape gardener, it was part of the work week for him. Now it takes place during family time so I am jumping in to help. My pedometer can attest that it ain’t no joke. You get your workout in loading the trailer with branches. I learned to use a chainsaw this month too. THAT IS FUN! I hopefully have been helpful. I really have found joy in these types of togetherness this year. 
I’ve been playing with our Christmas card for photos and there are a lot of good times the four of us have had, camping, biking, hiking, … it’s our version of 2020 and it works. 
P.S. Tree oils are some of the most AMAZING essential oils around. The Northern Lights Farm collection might just be the most amazing set of tree oils ever created!


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