Let’s take a minute to talk about the power of our words. 🗣

Are you in the weeds? Are you on cloud nine?

 As we move through the middle of October it is really real that we are settling in to learning from home, teaching from empty classrooms, that our life didn’t get back to normal at the beginning of a new school year. Our words give this reality perspective. Many teachers think the kids are doing great - well … yes, compared to April, but no, compared to January. We need positive words to lift us up, we need positive words to remember our WHY in education right now. 

The power of affirmation can’t be overlooked or understated. Positive words have the ability to reframe our perspective. I don’t know about you but with all the change our world has been experiencing this year, it’s even more critical for us to take time and evaluate those words that are influencing us. Tell me your opinion!  Are you feeling like a Pollyanna or a Debbie-Downer?

Whether you need to speak words of affirmation over yourself or someone else today, take the time to be intentional with the words you speak.

I would love to hear what words of affirmation have been most impactful in your life.


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